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Honoring the Story

Honoring the Story
$975 Early Bird Rate
Honoring the Story
$1125 Regular Rate
Honoring the Story
$125 Deposit (to hold space)
Honoring the Story
Early Bird Rate
(minus $125 deposit)
$850 remaining balance
Honoring the Story
Regular Rate
(minus $125 deposit)
$1000 remaining balance
back to Honoring the Story
* Please note a 3% fee is add to use paypal or credit and shows up as "tax".
You can mail check with your registration form to avoid this fee.

Sand Journeys

Sand Journeys
$975 Early Bird Rate
Sand Journeys
$1125 Regular Rate
Sand Journeys
$125 Deposit (to hold space)
Sand Journeys
Early Bird Rate
(minus $125 deposit)
$850 remaining balance
Sand Journeys
Regular Rate
(minus $125 deposit)
$1000 remaining balance
back to Sand Journeys
* Please note a 3% fee is add to use paypal or credit and shows up as "tax".
You can mail check with your registration form to avoid this fee.

Filial Play Therapy

Filial Training
$975 Early Bird Rate
Filial Training
Early Bird Rate
(minus $125 deposit)
$850 remaining balance
Filial Training
$1125 Regular Rate
Filial Training
Regular Rate
(minus $125 deposit)
$1000 remaining balance
Filial Training
$125 Deposit (to hold space)
Filial Therapy:  
Strengthening Parent-Child
Relationship Through Play
$24.14 (incl.  tax & shipping)
* Please note a 3% fee is add to use paypal or credit and shows up as "tax"
You can mail check with your registration form to avoid this fee..
back to Filial Play Therapy

History of Play Therapy

back to History of Play Therapy
History of Play Therapy 
* Please note a 3% fee is add to use paypal or credit and shows up as "tax".
You can mail check with your registration form to avoid this fee.

Supervision/Consultation and business consulting

Groups at Family Connections
Groups outside Family Connections
Individual Supervision/Consulting
Business Consulting
Website Design
Website, additional pages
* Please note a 3% fee is add to use paypal or credit and shows up as "tax".
You can mail check with your registration form to avoid this fee.
back to Supervision/Consulting
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